Cosplay Superstar Ashley Von Bose

Regardless if your an amateur, pro or just a first timer I wanted to recognize the people we met this year.
For our 30th episode we countdown the Top Cosplayers we worked or interacted with in 2016.
Special guests include Cosplay Superstar Ashley Von Bose as well as the producers of the upcoming Zombie Overrun interactive role playing game!

Ashley Von Bose

Photos – 

Roy Turner

Dallas Fan Days w/ Stars Wars’ Anthony Daniels & more (Oct/2019)

Day 2

While I would have loved to have seen Matthew Modine (most recently Stranger Things) as I’m a HUGE fan of that show, I had family commitments that only allowed me to attend the final two panels of the day.

Anthony Daniels

Few know the inner workings of the Star Wars world like Anthony Daniels. The actor behind C-3PO has been in more Star Wars stories, across various media, than literally anyone else — and the only actor to take part in all episodic entries in the franchise.
His unique brand of Q&A that he basically turns into street theater.

I saw him do this twice before & it was one of the most enjoyable & unforgettable moments at any con I’ve ever covered. He forgoes a moderator or the normal (& often boorish) line of questionaires and just takes over & bounds about with an animation & agility of someone a third his age and he picks people to ask questions & the whole thing feels very improvised & special. This time around didn’t quite hit the mark the last time he was here & it was a bit too mean-spirited at times but unforgettable just the same.

The golden protocol droid will return for Rise of Skywalker closing out a run he started in the 1977 original. And it seems to already have many parallels to A New Hope.


Savannah Poison (left)

Rachel FX (right)

Again attendance was low & not much else to do, so much so that we skipped Day 3 altogether but stay tuned as they’ll be back with a better & bigger show in the Spring.


Pics –

Roy Turner
Dania Maxwell

Joanie Brosas: Queen of Cosplay

Recorded Live at the Fan Days event for Dallas Comic Con w/ Queen of Cosplay Joanie Brosas. Fascinating talk with one of the most talented & profoundly gorgeous girls in the Cosplay game. Have been wanting to have Joanie on since we first met at Salt Lake City Comic Con back in 2015. Joanie is who introduced me to the world of cosplay as art form and we are so grateful to have her this week!
Co-Hosted by Texan Cosplayer Extraordinaire Ashlynn StarBuck who KILLED at Fan Days as Psyclock, look for her feature as the Goblin Queen real soon. Plus new music from In Memory of Man & more!

Joining me this week for co-hosting duties & amazing insight into cosplay is the lovely & super talented Ashlynn Starbuck who absolutely KILLED at Dallas Comic Con. She tells her inspiring story live from the one-of-a-kind retro arcade Quarter Lounge of how she started cosplaying & how far she has come in such a short time.
Look for Ashlynn’s full-feature here in a two weeks!