King’s X ‘s Dug Pinnick

Legendary Bassist & Singer for King’s X Dug Pinnick one of our fave bands & surely one of the most underrated discussing longevity on his birthday, his love of Aretha on the day of her funeral, staying in shape, the new King’s X book The Oral History & so much more.
Join us for an in depth look at one of the most fascinating figures in the history of Rock N Roll with great stories, music & more.
Joined by my long time friend & King’s X afficiando Deedle Lecour, Don’t miss it!

The NAMM Show 2011

The NAMM Show – Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim, CA – January 14th-15th

I had a massive undertaking of meetings all day, and performances all night. I was greatly excited for this as this was my first NAMM Show, and felt it was the next logical step in the evolution of my business, not to mention getting to see and do alot of really cool shit.

Day 1 – January 14th

Ok so I wake up and head out to Anaheim, it was a perfect day for a long drive and I felt a bit guilty as it was January and gorgeous here while all my friends are freezing their asses off back home, and I’m literally going to Disneyland. The parking situation was kind of a nightmare, but once I got that squared away, I was on my way. The girl who parked next to me was very nice and had some great tips that proved very helpful. The convention center was about 400 yards away and once I got sight of it, I turned a corner and the first person I see (apparently leaving the site) is Henry Rollins. A helpful local and Hank the Tank? Not a a bad start:

So my first meeting of the day was with Ampeg Amps, and I was very excited to learn that one of my all-time favorite bands, King’s X was showcasing for them in their booth. They were doing two performances, and sadly by the time I got there, the first one was at capacity, so I made sure I was able to make the next one. Even in such a sterile, corporate environment, their music is still so powerful.




So I firmly believe in both of their talents and them as people, so obviously I want to help them in anyway that I can. They both started jamming with this guy and a drummer just a few weeks ago to form the band, and were now coming to out here to perform at the NAMM Show and already had financial backing from a management firm. Cool I thought, so since I was gonna be here too, we had discussed pooling our resources to get the band in front of as many of the right people as possible. I had even booked them several high-profile gigs around town, to showcase them in the right environment, and to take advantage of such a large percentage of the music industry all being in town at once.
So Neil and the singer come over to the Ampeg booth were King’s X is wrapping up and Neil introduces me to him and I learn that his name is Remington. We proceeded to head over to meet up with the rest of the band/management so I could meet them all and coordinate a strategy of stuff that they had already set up along with things I can contribute. Along the way we run into a girl they had all met earlier that day, that joins our group. I quickly learn that she is very talented in her own right. She can sing, dance, as well as an exceptional graphic artist, she is drop-dead gorgeous and her father is a name producer, with an impressive resume.
I’m introduced to their manager and her associate, and I immediately learn that their manager is Remington’s mother..
We quickly discuss a strategy before the band has to head back to L.A. for a gig at the Viper Room.They leave for their show in L.A. and I stay behind as my day was really just getting started. After a dizzying series of meetings that culminated with meeting with Taylor Guitars, whom was one of the companies I was after to get an endorsement for Neil, it ended with a performance by Night Ranger. Now here is the interesting thing about this band – this band should be and often is the butt of the rock and roll joke. A band so dramatic, silly, and overproduced, and responsible for one of the worst, dated, cliques of the genre, the power ballad, sung by the drummer, staple with Sister Christian. That was almost thirty years ago so what the fuck were they doing here?
Here is the reality: – This band is firing on all cylinders – a fact that was clearly on display when we saw them at Rockalhoma in 2009.
I was never a dedicated Night Ranger fan and have no real nostalgic value for the band, but that night in Tulsa while most of the rest of their peers performing that weekend were in pieces, they put on the strongest, most consistent and perfectly executed performance during the whole thing. I was totally impressed.
Here we are now two years later in this small, hopelessly corporate environment in the middle of the day and nothing has changed. They were just as consistent and impressive.

I’m not a big drinker but their was free alcohol it seemed in every meeting I attended and I didn’t wanna be rude but I hadn’t eaten lunch yet so while waiting for the band to setup I could tell I was good and buzzed. I was impressed that this group of young geeks standing next to me:
a) Knew who Night Ranger was and was exciting to see them instead of mere curiosity
b) They had girls with them who had just as much if not more of an invested excitement.One of them asked me what time it was, and I responded that I didn’t have a watch (and my phone had died) the girl standing closest to me, gave off this vibe that she thought I was a creeper for even speaking. She was cute, nerdy, and was actually quite sexy in a way (or maybe I was more buzzed than I thought haha) and maybe out of spite, boredom or drunkenness but I couldn’t help fucking with her relentlessly. She gave it right back and it seemed like she was equally angry/turned on by the whole thing. Like any second we were gonna come to blows, or start making out. Neither happened and that was that.Back to Night Ranger –  So again, in this little room, that was only designed to showcase the equipment would they really turn on the skating rink themes? And if they do isn’t it gonna be as embarrassing as the songs themselves? They did and it wasn’t, and the reason  is the great divide between total and utter lack of self-awareness, and being completely in-tune with who/what you are, what you represent, your place and being not only ok with it, but totally own it and excited to perpetuate it. When you see anyone own who they are they always impress. Having said that I still didn’t think they would/should do Sister Christian in such an atmosphere but they did believe it or not, and it was great. The easy camaraderie amongst the guys was infectious and if you can’t sing along to Rock in America than you have no soul.

Night 1

Ok so after Night Ranger, the festival was wrapping up for the day. That means I had a few hours before the after-parties started. Like any good music conference, they take advantage of everyone being here to put on some great one-of-a-kind type performances while hawking their wares. It creates a frenzy amongst everyone, to hear about the parties, where they are, how to get in etc.
We were a co-sponsor of easily the biggest one of the night for Dean Guitars

So I had time to eat, find out how to get over there, and relax for a bit before a night of madness started. Ironically, when I was walking to the car to put all of my stuff up, the girl parked next to me was walking back to, and I thanked her for the helpful tips and gave her some cds of the bands I’m working with. I found a place to eat, and got directions while I was there. It was just a little over a mile away, which meant it was too far to walk and too close to call a cab. I hate cabs and it was a beautiful night to walk around so I made the trek over to the Grove of Anaheim.
When I get there, I’m impressed as I heard this was a cool place for a long time and was excited to finally be seeing a show here. Apparently I wasn’t the only one as their was line wrapped twice around the building.
Thankfully I was able to bypass all that – as I walked in Hell Yeah were already on stage. Now being from Texas, I do feel a responsibility to represent whenever I’m not in Texas and tonight was no exception, however this band is really not that good. I’m glad that Vinnie Paul is still kicking ass and continuing to do music and happy living his life doing what he loves, but even without the inevitable Pantera comparisons, the band is just so generic, and at times, embarrassingly so.

     Up next was a fashion show/burlesque act by one of the sponsors – Coffin Cases.  A company that creates coffin shaped guitar cases and related products with a macabre theme. The company is owned by Jonny Coffin, a member of the band The Death Riders. If this all sounds rather douchy than you would be right. Coffin shaped guitar cases made by a guy named Jonny Coffin sounds like a complete and utter lack of self-awareness marketed as toys for the Hot Topic rock set.

One thing that was a little strange, was that I had been in this corporate bubble all day (and now night) and this show was not open to the public, so they had these tables setup reserved for the sponsors, that gave it like a school talent show feel, which was simultaneously charming/weird.

Now it was time for the main event, with Megadeth set to rock the fuck out of this place. I went backstage and was welcomed by the Dean Guitars people very warmly. They are also a brand I’m interested in having Neil endorse, so I wanted some face-to-face time.
After a short while I find myself sitting in a small room with just one other person when Megadeth leader Dave Mustaine walks in and sits down across from me. Here we go I thought as we have all heard the tales of his legendary asshole-ness and I have met him a few times in passing but nothing as intimate as this. I was prepared for the worst, but it actually never came and we had a nice, candid conversation. Guess my man is mellowing out, but only offstage, because when they came on, they fucking killed. 

The snarl returned instantly, as Mustaine’s first address to the crowd was: ” When I walked in here just now I saw a line of people still wrapped around the building, so to the all the people that are still outside…”- and now you think he’s gonna say something nice like “sorry you are not here” – but the real Mustaine had returned and he finishes the sentiment in his most dickish taunting chuckle “heh heh heh…suckers”. It was totally unexpected and perfect.Setlist:

Holy Wars… The Punishment Due
Hangar 18
Wake Up Dead
In My Darkest Hour
How the Story Ends
Head Crusher
Symphony of Destruction
Peace Sells (with Holy Wars Reprise)

So after all I had done today, drove 2 hrs to Anaheim (and would soon be driving back to LA, only to drive back here tomorrow) been at the NAMM Show all day and the NAMM Jamm at night, you would think I would be done right? – Wrong – As Hunter S. Thompson would say, “Once you get locked into something seriously, the tendency is to take it as far as I can.” So what’s next? How about a reputable Van Halen tribute band called Hot For Teacher playing a late night party at the Hilton across from the convention center? Ok, let’s go!

Though I hate cabs I wasn’t walking the 1.5 miles back so I grabbed one with a nice couple that were going there anyway, perfect.
We get there and the band is all already onstage and kicking serious ass. To know me is to know that Van Halen is my all-time favorite band and this was clearly the David Lee Roth version of the band.

It was such a party atmosphere as the show was literally in the lobby of the hotel and everyone was there. The band didn’t do much in the way of trying to look too much like VH but they sure did a good job of sounding like them. To enforce this as well as their legitimacy, they were joined for a few songs by one time David Lee Roth bassist/all around bass badass Billy Sheehan, who quipped after he played that “this seemed so real, I expected you to yell at me afterwords” pointing at the singer, obviously referencing his time with DLR.

This was a good time, and it was wild and a perfect end to such an incredible, unforgettable day, and now I had a long drive back just to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

Day 2 – January 15th

 Ok so on only just a few hours sleep I head back to Anaheim from L.A. for (my) Day 2 of the NAMM show. I had only one meeting in the first part of the day and after I was finished with that I went over to speak with my rep from Sonor and right next to that was a booth for Lanikai, a Hawaiian guitar manufacturer, when I spot Cherie Currie, the fucking Cherry Bomb herself, and nearly shit myself. If I had to list the top people I’ve admired my entire life that I’ve always wanted to meet, Cherie ranks very high on the list. Their are other people that have influenced me deeply, but some of those people you really don’t wanna meet, but I’ve always thought she was smart and someone I would love to have a conversation with. My Sonor rep, clearly noticing my distraction, says “Hey do you know Cherie?” and I shook my head no, and he says “We work together cmon and I’ll introduce you”. My heart about exploded out of my fucking chest haha, and it felt so good to be a fan again. Speaking of fans, I was so grateful to see that she had a line about 200 deep to meet her. I’m sure the recent The Runaways movie helped boost this number as I saw alot of Twilight shirts in that line (Kristin Stewart and Dakota Fanning from those shitty movies, play Joan and Cherie in the movie…and well I might add). But hey as long as they were getting exposed to her awesomeness, all the better. She was taking a quick break when Sonor guy gets her attention and introduces us. I kept it brief and she told me she’s getting back into music (with the help of Matt Sorum apparently) which is great news. I was cool and she was the fucking coolest, but I had to get a picture (I NEVER do this so fuck it).


 After that ended I had some time to kill so it was time to be a fan again. I wanted to check out Mick Mars, one of my all-time faves in Rock N Roll. I know my man has been having a hard time with his health so I wanted to go say hi. Thought it was going to be a demonstration based on the size of his insane line that I was grateful for him for, but when I realized it was just a signing appearance, I just snapped a quick photo for posterity and got out of his way:

Felt a little silly about it but I wanted a first-hand update of his health, and I must admit that my man looked pretty rough and I applaud his courage for getting up there. Even sillier was behind me I recognized this 4 foot tall hot mess:

Went over to speak with Aaron (P-Nut) from 311 who I met and became friends with last summer, but I had just missed him. Now for the  final meeting of the day I went over to the drum room to meet with Vic Firth (sticks) and Bosphorus (cymbals) to secure endorsements for one of my clients. I identify as a drummer so this was the part I was looking forward to the most and when I got to the showroom it was percussion heaven. Between meetings I spotted a little pow wow worth mentioning – imagine the scene of Mike Bordin (Faith No More) and Rikki Rockett (Poison) nerding out together over a new line of drums – (just goes to show you kids, once your in the game, your a member, regardless of how the press plays it).

Night # 2

Ok so like last night, I had a few hours to chill before heading back to the Grove for Night 2 of the private performances. I was really excited as tonight was the Schecter Guitar party that Cheap Trick was headlining. I was taking Steve and Neil to this one as I didn’t want them to have to play this evening and have a night to schmooze and make contacts. They were staying across the street so I went to meet them for dinner first. When I get to their hotel I immediately spot an older, 50-ish gentlemen in their room wearing a Cheap Trick hat and he is equally staring at the CT laminate around my neck. He’s is an off-duty cop from Dallas working “security” for stage-mom. Hey, he was cool enough, and he liked Cheap Trick obviously and I assumed the extra pass was for him so I gave him one and I’m into his excitement.
I’m then introduced to another one of the students- an attractive singer from South Africa named Jordana (and professionally that’s all she goes by-as in Elvis/Madonna/Prince– or in today’s market of Pink/Rhianna/Usher )– she was really cool, funny (alot of the pictures you are enjoying are hers) And like a better looking Griswold’s‘, we all head to dinner.

We are easily the most obnoxious people here but apparently not as much as they were the previous night as our entry was debatable on the forgiving nature of the management. Good times regardless – we get back to the hotel – Neil decided he just wants to chill and explore the new pedal he just received (this is why he’s so good) So its Steve and I, the cop and Billy the drummer and we head to the Grove for free booze and Cheap Trick.

This was a good time – I never drink but we were all getting loaded off the free booze and man I fucking love Cheap Trick. I had just seen them about a month ago in Fort Worth, and they came out and fucking ruled:

Setlist:Way of the World
California Man (The Move cover)
Hot Love
On Top of the World
I Want You to Want Me
She’s Tight
High Roller
These Days
The House Is Rockin’ (With Domestic Problems)
Ballad of TV Violence
Baby Loves To Rock
Sick Man of Europe
Closer, The Ballad of Burt and Linda

Clock Strikes Ten
Dream Police
Gonna Raise Hell
Goodnight No

Like last night, you would think this would all have been more than enough – and it was but we kept going. We as in Steve and I, as Billy and the cop called it a night after Cheap Trick played, but Steve, bless him, had other plans for us, which was fine by me as finally somebody else was leading the charge. We ran into this band that he was in back in the 90’s (that they played with at the Viper Room on Friday and who’s drumset I needed to secure for a gig I had them booked at tomorrow night at Kim Fowley’s place downtown) ,  then these dudes he’s knows from the band Julian K, and The Last Vegas (who just put out a record produced by Nikki Sixx) who had a freaking limo waiting outside. I never indulge in that kinda rock star shit, but fuck it man, we were in California, I had been working my ass off, I thought it would be piss take if nothing else.
Where were we going? – to a benefit for Chi Cheng (Deftones bassist) out in Fullerton (about 20 mins away) that was supposedly gonna feature some surprise sets from some pretty big names.

I went to find the crew as P.O.D. was starting – Now I normally could give two shits about this band, but I could certainly appreciate that this band normally plays for big money in places 20 times this size and never out in the sticks like this, so the specialness of it was not lost on me. It was for a good cause and I enjoyed the show.

The place closes and we all pile back into the limo and all good and buzzed. Their’s like 20 of us and it becomes the who’s getting dropped off in what order game (complete with shouting and opposing opinions). We get to the hotel nearest to Steve’s and I suggest a cab for the rest of the way. We finally get to Steve’s room and my man who is normally not a big drinker like me is fucking wasted haha. I get him to his room, its after 3am, I still have half a mile to get to my car and then drive back to L.A. It should have been easy to find my rental car as I’m sure at this hour I was the only one left, but so much time (and events and drinks) had happened that I couldn’t find it to the point I was convinced and in sheer panic it had been towed or something. I literally walked around this thing across 5 levels for 45 mins (I’m not kidding) until almost in fucking tears I finally found it. Got back to L.A. after 6am and ka-rashed.
Danced with a porn star and rode around in a limo after getting shitfaced on free booze at a private Cheap Trick show – Good freaking times.

Photos –

Roy Turner
Rick Kosick
Tank Top Diaries