Morris Day & The Time Rawk the State Fair of Texas (2018)

Morris Day & The Time – September 29th – State Fair of Texas – Dallas, TX 

Opening Day of the State Fair of Texas that falls on one of the largest social & sporting events on the African-American calendar around these parts is Grambing vs PVC Football Game. They couldn’t have booked anyone funkier for the occasion. Ladies & Gentlemen: Morris Day & The Time!


Now let’s be clear, Morris & the gang are the epitome of an oldies act, still touring, doing hundreds of shows a year every year without really putting out any new music or changing up the show really, just doing their thing, for as long as they can & after over 30 years Morris Day & the Time will be doing this for as long as they want in this capacity.
The cool thing (pun intended) about Morris is that he really doesn’t have to – No one in this crowd or those that come see him are bored or tired of his gigalo schtick – that’s exactly what they’ve come for! And he gives it to them, and does it well everytime.

The Time isn’t really as much of what they were, but still have a strong band behind him. Consisting of original members besides Morris are just Monte Moir on keyboards & Jellybean Johnson on drums but they still bring weapons grade funk. They have a very capable guy named Padre filling Jerome’s role of comic foil & still all there from holding the mirror up to the shimmy dance & everything in between.
Speaking of dancing, something unforgettable happened as my wife & I were dancing during the show, only one visiably (as far as I could see) wearing a Morris Day & The Time shirt, & clearly being the minorities in this crowd, Padre came out, saw us & invited me up to dance The Bird with the Time!!!

(that’s me the corny looking white boy behind Morris there) I immediately grabbed my wife’s hand but Padre said they just needed dudes.
When I got up there I could see they had plenty of females & needed some testosterone. For me it was a thrill of a lifetime & Morris turning around & seeing my shirt & me getting down, giving me the double fist bump is a memory I’ll always cherish. Much love to this crowd that was digging on the fact that we could all be here together & not only cheering me on, but congratulating me & even helped me re-locate my wife afterwards.


1999 (Prince cover)
Get It Up
Pandemonium/Chocolate/Wild N Loose/The Stick
The Oak Tree
Jerk Out
Gigolos Get Lonely Too
If the Kid Can’t Make You Come
Ice Cream Castles
The Walk/D.M.S.R. (Prince cover)
The Bird
Jungle Love