SXSW 2011: TrickyKid Brawl for All w/ The Death Set in a boxing ring!

The first people to arrive is the Here Holy Spain crew so Erin and I take them across the street to a Mexican restaurant and treat them to dinner, hoping Randy and the boys would be gone when we returned. Having Mr. Palmer drunkenly supervise my event was not part of the deal. This was our place for the evening per the agreement but that didn’t stop his pride from dictating that this was his place and he calls the shots.

Matt arrives, and despite Robyn asking me not to officially announce the showcase (or namely the Death Set’s involvement) until a few days before for fearing that it could compromise their position at an official showcase, I hand him a list of RSVPs that total close to 2k.

We finally open the doors, equipment is in place inside the ring – I get in, make a few announcements, wish Erica, HHS bass player a Happy Birthday and the show begins.

They kicked ass as I knew they would, their were only about 60 people thru the doors by the time they finished playing, but it was a great start and was so glad to have them.

Next up was the Blind Pets,  By the time they started the place had almost tripled in attendance.

Now pay close attention cause this is where all hell breaks loose. After the Blind Pets had played their equipment remained in the ring as I had worked it out with them and the Death Set that the DS was just gonna show up and plug in as they were coming straight from another show to play ours and everyone was in agreement that the Death Set would just play on their equipment. The spot was about to be blown up – here’s how:

I had a million people a second stopping me to talk to me or somebody needed something or my supervision, so much so that I didn’t even recognize Robyn when she came in with the band until she grabs me and I snap out of it and start directing them where to load in.

They blew the spot up and insisted on using a mixtape they had just released over the PA (that meant thankfully no more DJ Randy Palmer) Their were now noticeably even more people there to see the Death Set. I could sense Josh’s pride/ego ticking away like a timebomb. Here was a band playing his town on his equipment and I could feel his who-the-fuck-do-they-think-they-are vibe so when the Death Set were not happy that all we had was beer and asked for champagne I thought he was gonna spontaneously combust.

Once again, my team to the rescue, I told her what I needed and again in a flash, they returned with the bottles of champagne I had asked for, and sadly didn’t even get to partake in any of it or even the toast that she deserved to be a part of, for they had to return to immediately assist the bartender.

Ok, ring the bell son, the Death Set are climbing in and here we go – just as I had anticipated/wanted – the band instructs the crowd to get into the ring with them and go freaking nuts, and that’s exactly what happened.

It was all happening, my dream was coming true, my vision was being realized, it looked exactly as I thought/hoped it would.
All for about 40 mins that is –
Here is how it went down –

The Death Set start playing and of course as expected/encouraged, they invite the entire crowd on the floor to join them in the boxing ring for a crazy, memorable time. Mr. Palmer, apparently forgets the conversations we had about this and starts losing his mind. He is in the back on a mic, shouting for people to get out of the ring – ummm..hello? Mr. Palmer, this is why we are here, this is what we came to do, this is why I was willing to have the showcase two miles from downtown – to give people a reason to come and do something different and awesome. Seeing that crowd run into that ring was such an awesome rush and I couldn’t have been happier. Mr. Palmer sends Josh in to do damage control, who is all too happy to bust them up. He makes the crowd leave the ring, but not before stealing the mic Kanye style and bellowing out this gem:

“This is a BOXING RING, not a fucking BOOT RING!! everyone get the fuck out of this ring right now!!”

It was cringe inducing, (no boots in Texas?) and since we live in the information age, something that tasty will not go without its own little meme.

Here is a video someone made of the incident labeling Josh with the new moniker of Boot Nazi –

I’m hearing this from outside as I’m dealing with another crisis – Before I walk in Josh comes running out to find me and starts screaming at the top of his lungs of his desire to smack the singer in the mouth. Apparently Johnny had told him to fuck off or something, or whatever it was etc.
I go back in and reach an agreement that if they take their shoes off, everyone can go back in.
The show resumes for about 20 more minutes.
During that entire time, Josh and company are having full blown anxiety that the band/crowd are harming/potentially harming their equipment etc.
Personally I was standing on the steps of the ring in front of the equipment and saw zero signs of impending doom or I would have seen it and done something about it.
Suddenly power is cut (during Negative Thinking no less) to all of our surprise –

Alot had been said about this, online and in the press and in several interviews I’ve given about the event, about what really went down, and let me set the record straight. I didn’t learn (though I had a sneaking suspicion) till weeks later, that Justin, the Blind Pets bass player was behind the ring where the power source was and he cut the power at Josh’s direction. There you have it – plain and simple.
The Blind Pets did not like the Death Set – resented sharing their equipment with them/the Death Set being the bigger draw/ and a cultural clash of North vs South attitudes.
The ring was not being torn up nor was their equipment in danger or being abused – it was simply ego/attitude/pride.

I jumped in immediately to try to restore order, but by that time the band was just exhausted (this was their third show of the day and their 10th in three days) and this was the last one before they got to go home, so they weren’t really in the mood to fight over it and said fuck it. I do not blame them.

The Death Set and Robyn were nothing but courteous to me and thanked us for having them and we all agreed to laugh about it over a drink next week in NYC. I got a car service to take them straight to the airport, and thanked them for stepping literally in the ring with us.

Sadly this created a vibe that the whole event was over, so I scrambled to get on the mic and remind people that we still had three more bands and as many kegs to consume and this seemed to surge the crowd a bit. The House Harkonnen were up next.

This is a band that I greatly admire, who I feel is ready for national stardom if they want it and are about as good as it gets. Their were alot of people there to see them and I myself was excited and have been championing this band for weeks. Tonight there was a certain swagger that I felt was completely circumstantial of the events of the evening. Like their was something like, “this whole thing is fucked, so we are gonna go down swinging and tear this fucking place apart” . Like the agenda had changed from to entertain to downright maim.
This was evident in the size and volume of power they brought with them – that they used with wild abandon. They weren’t gonna mess with the boxing ring shenanigans and started setting up enough amps to rock a stadium. This picture with the sound guy says it all –

They hadn’t gotten two songs in where they were so loud people were fleeing outside, and with the people gathering outside and the traffic of the door it attracted the attention of some inspectors in the area that jumped on us like white on rice. They talk to Mr. Palmer first, who was totally inebriated and then they came found me. I showed them the permits that I had secured which they went over with a fine tooth comb, and finally gave up and left. Somebody (Randy?) said something to them they didn’t like as they were leaving. I had a feeling that this wasn’t gonna be the last of them and I was right.

The band keeps rocking but their are more people outside than in, all with open containers and the band is so loud the walls are breathing, and about 10 mins after the inspectors left, here come the police. Several people immediately bail and the police run me through the whole procedure again, while telling the band to stop playing. I show them the same permits, but they don’t seem to care. They seem to especially have a problem with Mr. Palmer, who was cool with them, but it wasn’t enough to salvage the evening.Threats of issuing expensive tickets are made and that was enough to permanently end the evening.

I felt the most for Wildstreet, who traveled the furthest, and who are my com-padres back in NYC. Who had come all this way, just to play this show. Thankfully they were able to get some pickup dates and get introduced to the festival, so it wasn’t a total loss, but this was supposed to be the crown jewel and their were alot of people their interested in them.

One of my favorite lines of the evening came from Matt (who has Motley Crue lyrics tattooed on his body) when the Wildstreet guys were coming in, he looks at me and says “Dude who the fuck are these guys? they look like something I’m gonna enjoy”.
Too bad he didn’t get that chance.

I woke up the next day and we are all over the press – the freaking Village Voice listed us in their Top 10 events of the festival just under Kanye and Jay-Z (hey we’ll take it).

Thanks again everybody, we will be back next year with something even more irresistible to the police.

SXSW 2009: Playboy Party w/ Jane’ Addiction + Tricky & more

Ok so every year, I like others who work in the Music Industry or just simply those that are into absorbing ALOT of music, free booze and food for a week, descend upon Austin, TX like white on rice. Nothing attracts a crowd, like a bigger crowd and every year their’s always some big promise of seeing a huge band in some impossibly small setting, or catching the next big thing. I’ve seen this festival change and grow over the years. Purists cry fowl and want it to remain smaller and intimate and resemble its original intentions of small band getting exposure on a national or international level, others embrace its steady growth every year. Whatever your take this festival does get bigger and more insane every year and this year was no different.

Day 1: The Official Start of the Music

Time to get slightly Metal, as I made my way to the Paramount Theatre to see Flight 666: The Story of Iron Maiden. I try to see a few films every year (usually documentaries) and this was the one I really wanted to see. I will watch a good documentary on just about anything if its done well. I had seen the director’s of this film, Scott Mcfayden and Sam Dunn, previous entry in 2006, Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey, and though it may sound like I making one of my regular jokes with that title, the movie was nothing short of fascinating. Totally cerebral (the filmmakers are credited Anthropologists), and yes as you can imagine, totally nerdy. I’m not an apologist about this side of my personality. Something about Metal culture is just so fun, and non-casual to me. I love how into it and dedicated they are. When I passed by the theatre earlier in the day, their were fans in Iron Maiden shirts, already lined up in like 85 degree weather. Now I realize what an easy target this makes them for the cool kids to laugh and sneer at, but I was more interested in seeing this first hand.

And again, casual they were not, as silly as it sounds, it was awesome seeing these people freak out, even in a movie theatre! Their were dude-bros in the FRONT ROW with their shirts off and swinging them over their heads! Great stuff. The movie followed with a brief Q&A with the directors.

So it was now officially time for the afterparties. I gave my wonderful hosts passes to the Red Bull Moontower Party, and they were already there, so I hopped into (yet another) cab and took the trek down Cesar Chavez. When you arrive your greeted by what looks like a spaceship landing and since the party stretched till Saturday, instead of giving you four different invites (or maybe just a wristband like the Fader Party) they apply temporary tattoos, that are supposed to survive your schedule (that apparently doesn’t include showering) for the next four days.

This party was a little boring at first. The band with the most lethal name in history, I love you but I’ve Chosen Darkness, failed to make good on their potential. It looked great though, free booze, great setup, a photo booth, and a very lavish, futuristic looking stage. Next was Shephard Fairey, who I knew was gonna be there, but I just didn’t know at what capacity. Regardless I knew because of his involvement that it would prove to be interesting at least. He performed a pretty solid DJ set, with a great visual accompaniment of a flash show if his graphic design. I’ve always found him interesting, despite his recent high-profile criticisms, but I was surprised to learn that most people there didn’t recognize the name, until I mentioned these. Even my hosts didn’t know and when I elaborated, even they responded with “You mean that plagiarist?”.

But he got everyone dancing, and I was near this group of rowdy but fun kids that were just going crazy, that you couldn’t help but go crazy with them.

After that it was time to get some more drinks, pay a visit to the fun little photo booth they had set up and get ready for Monotonix, in the best manner that one would prepare for such a thing.

It now being 330am what could wake up more than some crazy Isaraeli’s playing from inside the crowd while the singer, clad in short shorts, was singing from a trash can on top of it.
I’ve seen numerous Monotonix shows, and I know they had several shows booked, but some of those were at like noon for 20 min. This show was designed for their element. Super late, super drunk, outdoors so as to minimize potentially burning the place down. With all of the photographers, from a distance all you could see was flashes, and people scrambling for position. It looked like when Britney Spears goes shopping. Then the singer emerges on top of the crowd and proceeded to destroy everything in his wake, until the powers that be finally killed the power sometime after 4am.


Day 3 – The Craziness continues + Playboy Party

I knew that this was going to be a really long day so I did my best to pace myself. After getting in from the previous nights’ Red Bull party at 6am and having my first meeting at 10am, I chilled and didn’t get started on the music until about 3pm. Grabbed some food and headed to Mohawk’s for the Rhapsody Rocks Party. First band I saw was Glasvegas, whom despite the hype, I thought were really lame. I can’t tell you how many times I have that same schtick. The singer with his indecipherable Scottish accent and drunk afflections totally bored me. The place was packed beyond belief (methinks the open bar may have been a factor) and they had this awesome “white trash snack bar” , with pop tarts, chips, candy and ramen noodles.
Next up was hometown gang Trail of Dead, who were totally great as always. I’ve seen probably a dozen of their shows over the years (including an infamous one at Red Eyed Fly years ago that ended with the singer throwing the bass drum…and almost the drummer in the revine behind the club) and this time their was no infighting, just rocking.


Trail of Dead

I ran into some friends from NYC and from Austin towards the end and hung out for a bit before going over to Beauty Bar to see Mike Relm. I’ve been friendly with Relm since seeing him perform a few times in the last few years. First time was with Peeping Tom in Brooklyn, and last year I saw him open for the GZA in Manhattan and it was incredible. He’s one of only a few turntablist I’ve seen to use the video outputs on his Serato interface, to create, manipulate, and basically “remix” visual images, to really create a unique performance. Pioneered by DJ Spooky, I was ready to see Relm take the shit higher, but when I got there, I was told by my friend that works there, and a few of his own people from San Francisco, that he didn’t like the setup and felt it would compromise the performance and threw some diva fit and pulled out. Another cancellation!

At least now I had time to get some more food and head to the Levi’s Fader fort again. Although it was across 5th st this year, I was totally excited about seeing Tricky (especially after Martina cancelled). I get there and see one of those Mexican Lunch Trucks, selling some BBQ across the street from the kids in line. I get in line (for food) and realize that the shirtless patron in front of me, is also the musician I have come to patronize. Seems Tricky was eager to repair his past diva persona, and have some BBQ with the commonfolk. We talked for a bit and ate our rib sandwhiches, as just two hungry people, shooting the shit. His accent was a bit much to understand so I did alot of nodding.
I was early enough to see a bit of Late of the Pier, whom I had seen this past October at CMJ. This set was even better, very energetic, great sound, and the crowd was very responsive.

I took advantage of the free booze, to wash down my just bought BBQ and chilled for a bit. They had an internet lounge set up with couches and free copies of the Fader, always one of my favorite parties.  Caught the end of Lissie Trullie , and prepared for Tricky. I had just seen Tricky perform a pickup date on Monday in Dallas , and it was the first time I had seen him perform since May ’99, and it was the first time he had performed anywhere in the U.S. besides the shows he did in LA and NYC last year, since opening for Tool in 2001. I skipped that show back then as I didn’t see the worth of seeming him perform in a huge arena to an assuming, uninterested crowd, for 30 min. I had already learned my lesson by buying an expensive ticket to just see the opening band at a Tool show earlier that year, to see Tomahawk, thinking that their crowd might be a bit receptive to something new. WRONG! Gotta hand it to those Tool guys, they always seem to take out my favorite bands, regardless of genre, I also missed shows by the Melvins and the Cows because of this.
Perfect placing as the sun was setting and you could feel the crowd get closer. The band takes their places and then we see Tricky and Francesca Belmont emerge to their respective microphones. Besides Martina (of course) I think Francesca is my favorite of all of his many (usually female) collaborators. She is just fucking intoxicating! So talented, so sultry, and so devastatingly beautiful. Tricky is hard to upstage, but I found it near impossible to look away from her every move. Few performers have the ability to entrance at that level. She has a solo record coming out and it deserves to be huge. Starting with “Past Mistake” off last year’s Knowle West Boy, his first record in five years, the show kept soaring, largely with the help of a great backing band and Belmont’s presence and voice. One of the great things about seeing Tricky live is that you will hear unreleased material, and or completely different takes on exisitng songs that maybe only performed that way, that one time, creating a very unique experience. An example of this was the show closer, an almost Metal take on “Trickykid” (how appropriate for this site eh?) that had this infectious little staccato guitar riff, that helped Tricky charge right into the crowd, where he stayed till the lights came on.



1) Past Mistake
2) Black Steel
3) Puppy Toy
4) Girls
5) ‘Tricky & Francesca’s Rap’
6) Overcome
7) Council Estate
8) Vent
9) Tricky Kid

So now I was headed back to the Beauty Bar to see the Death Set. One of my favorite new bands and perhaps my fave of the festival. I had seen them open for Matt & Kim in Brooklyn last year and was very excited to see them again. They had already played once today while I was in a meeting. The line to get in was annoying as thankfully my friend Matt relieved one of the door guys and I was then ushered in. This band is so the real deal. Total energy, great fun, just everything that a young band should be, original, energetic, genuine enthusiasm, and a freaking blast. They were all over the place and the crowd was singing every word. It was so charmingly chaotic.

From there it was time to head over the waaayy over-hyped Playboy Magazine Party. Every year at this festival (and many others like it) their is the always ultra-exclusive hot-shit  party that everyone wants to go to just because they hear its the hardest one to get into. Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd right? These parties couldn’t possibly live up their expectations and its seems the attraction is all about elitism than the actual party itself. In years past at first it was the Spin Magazine Party when it was super secret late night affair, until turning into a boringly predictable afternoon thang now usually held at Stubb’s on the Friday afternoon (stay tuned ha ha). What gives the hype its power is that sometimes the party does reach some pretty amazing heights. For example in addition to the ultra-strict invite list for Playboy, everyone as heard somone talk about last year’s party, that was freaking awesome!! So those two things combine create something mythical that the cool kids gotta see for themselves. They even hold them at non-traditional venues located off the beaten path just to keep out the so-called rif raff.
This year it was held (for you Austin locals) at the old Safeway across I-35 on 12th st. Adding to the mystic is that wave their money around by always having some really big band perform that otherwise would never be playing to a crowd that small, or exclusive or that ungodly hour. To prove that the attraction was mainly in the admittance, I asked everyone around me who was playing ( it was one of the worst kept secrets, but I kept hearing conflicting reports that it was Motley Crue) and NOT ONE PERSON could tell me or had any idea.
After a brief mix up at Will Call, I finally secured my bracelet and went inside. Not before I saw half the music industry trying to get into this thing. It was like a reunion, I ran into everybody it seemed. I saw my old buddy Erv (Idol Records), Michael and Tony from BMG, and Errol, my old boss at Astralwerks. As you entered you were checked three times for your bracelet (I was momentarily derailed as I came in like a loser with my backpack which they didn’t allow, so I had to hail a cab and drop it off and then return, thankfully I was only staying a few blocks away).
Then you were greeted by the obligatory Playboy Bunnies, who are gorgeous but I still felt a little embarrassed (especially when my friends insisted I take some photos with them, with their cheesy cell phone no less) then you were given a small gift bag, that had a few promotional items as well as the first season of Afro Samurai on Blu-Ray DVD, which for a super-nerd like me, I was as excited about as the surgically enhanced barbi-doll in a rabbit outfit that gave it to me.

An impressive spread of free food and Jack Daniels abound, I had just finished eating and put a few back before the start of the evening’s main attraction: Jane’s Addiction. Now I haven’t seen Jane’s since High School, and to be honest I think their great, but I was never fanatical about them like most people were and to an extent still are. I was kinda taken aback (yet thoroughly enjoyed) by the crowd’s enthusiasm, yet I just still don’t see their relevance. They looked and sounded great however, and even at the late hour after a very long day, the crowd was all theirs. I’ve just never been around anyone, let alone a gathering of people that excited about Jane’s Addiction, usually I just hear Perry Farrell used as a punchline, so it was unique to see for sure, and the show was great.


3 Days
Ain’t No Right
Ocean Size

They finished just after 3am, and the party was scheduled to continue ’till 5am, with a DJ set from A-Trak. However by 315am the place had cleared like a bomb scare, I mean the place was dead. As much as I enjoyed seeing Jane’s, I was in contempt in spite of myself for having gave into the same hype I criticized, while most of my friends were across town at the KVRX Explosion watching a no doubt full-scale riot of Monotonix, The Death Set, and Ninjasonik. They were seeing the real deal, while I schmoozed with fucking hipsters. However in my defense I had already seen Monotonix this festival and had seen the Death Set that day, and I see Ninjasonik all the time in Brooklyn. However, this was NOT a legendary party, this was a Jane’s Addiction concert with a velvet rope.
Soooo you would think, I would be done for the evening (for those that don’t know me, I don’t ingest cocaine) but people were texting me from the Red Bull party that the Riverboat Gamblers were killing it and Lady Sovereign was next. So I hailed a cab and back down Cesar Chavez I went for the second night in a row. I arrive just before 4am, in time to say hi to the Gamblers, grab a drink, and get ready to shake a little ass. Now I spin Ladysov all the time when I’m DJ’n but I had yet to see her perform. I know that she likes to work her bratty schtick, but she came out bitching and whining and didn’t let up. (I would learn later that this was par for the course as far as her live shows are concerned….assuming she shows up at all…stay tuned) She starts with the first song off her new record Jigsaw, called “Let’s Be Mates”, that gets things off and running, but she kills any and momentum by creating a tense vibe by openly insulting the sound guy, and just fucking complaining in general. She clearly didn’t want to be there and after about 20 mins, neither did I. She had the chance to really make a fun party that was so way more happening than that Playboy shit I just left, even greater, but instead she just kinda brought everybody down. Lame.

Photos –

Roy Turner